Friday, March 6, 2020

Get To (with Right, Back Combinations) - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Get To (with Right, Back Combinations) - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Get To (with combinations on Right, Back,   To)Infinitive form: Get ToPresent Tense: Get To/ Gets Toing form: Getting ToPast tense: Got ToParticiple: Got ToThe phrasal verb Get To, when joined with Right, Back,  To, will create another meaning based on the combination. Many idiomatic expressions can be formed, so, emphasis is being placed on the two-word English phrasal verb Get To and Get Back To in this topic. Keep in mind that the word back can sometimes be used an adverb that modifies a phrasal verb , while other times, it is part of a phrasal verb itself. The former part will detail its usage as a two-word phrasal verb, while the latter part of the blog will describe its usage and how its meaning changes when used in combination with the words mentioned:When you arrive at a place or reach a certain level1. Please send my regards to Annie when you get to school.2. I need to get to work before 8 A.M. I cant afford to be later anymore.When you start doing something you want or need to do1. I dont have time to get to it now, Im way too busy!2. Tell the writer to get to his writing soon, the deadline is fast approaching.When permitted to do something1.  Now that Bill received his drivers license, he can get to drive anywhere.2. Since 007 has the license to kill, he can get to kill any criminal he encounters.When something or someone is affecting you in such a way that it bothers or annoys you1. When youre in sales, you shouldnt let pessimism get to you.2. You shouldnt let Jims words get to you, hes just being childish.[Get Back To]This three-word phrasal verb means to talk to someone again  at a later time1. That is a tough question. Let me talk to my teacher first, and Ill get back to you as soon as I have the answer, okay?2. Let me get back to you after Ive done my homework regarding the topic.[Get To] CombinationThe two-word English phrasal verb usually denotes arrive , but notice how the meaning changes when we put in the combination1. Jerry got to Los Angeles yesterday. [ Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles]2. Jerry got back to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry returned to Los Angeles]3. Jerry got up to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from the South. This means any area in the map south of Los Angeles]4. Jerry got down to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from the North.  This means any area in the map north of Los Angeles]5. Jerry got over to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from either side, East or West]6. Jerry got out to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from the east or from a larger city]Adding the word Back to the verb combination means to return/resume into doing something after an interruption. Take note that only the first two meanings (arrive;start doing something) of the phrasal verb Get To described above is applicable for this combination.1. Let me get back to my homework, I cant be distracted anymore. [Meani ng: There has been an interruption/distraction for some time which prevented me from doing my homework, but now I realize that I need to get my homework done, so I resume to doing it ]Adding the word Right to the verb combination modifies the verb indicating that it is done immediately, quickly, or right away. This combination works with  Get back to, Get up to, Get Down to, Get Over to, Get Out to which are all derived from the same phrasal verb Get to.1. Jerry got right back to Los Angeles when he heard the news about his brother. [Meaning: Jerry quickly returned to Los Angeles. The news he heard about his brother must be really urgent]iframe width=560 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeExercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:The hells going on down there? Lets ___ ___ __ work!What or who had caused the interruption in the teams football practice?How will th e statement change meanings if the word Back is removed and will it be appropriate to do so? Why or why not?Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Get To and its applicable combination:1.  Wait until youve finished eating breakfast, so you can ___ __ to eat all the desserts you want.2.  You keep on chatting with that friend of yours, when you should be _____ ____ ___  __work.3. I guess I have to sleep early because I cant seem to___ __ school on time.4. Diana is _____ ___ work early this morning, so she can reach the deadline.5. Jen ____ ____ ___ to the mall when she realized she left her bag in one of the shops there.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

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