Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chemistry Regents Review Book Review

Chemistry Regents Review Book ReviewA Chemistry Regents Review Books by Geoffrey Press, which covers the subject of chemistry, will assist your education in this complex subject. Many times chemistry is under-appreciated by students of science because they are not sure what it actually is. Well, when you know what chemistry is, you will know that it is a broad subject and it helps us understand our environment.A review book by Geoffrey Press has many important sections. One of them deals with the physical chemical properties of various substances. By doing this, it gives more understanding on how chemistry works. The other important part of this section is the basics of natural science which includes astronomy, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, and chemistry.The last section of this book is on research techniques and methods in chemistry, which have improved over the years. The descriptions of these methods are in the last section of the book which includes the values of each m ethod and how they are used to gain knowledge of chemistry. In addition, the remaining sections give information on uses of a formula for transforming chemicals, how light can change molecules, and what happens when acids and bases combine together.If you were to read this book cover to cover, it would be impossible to follow the descriptions of what is actually written. So, if you are someone who is new to the subject of chemistry, then just skim through the last three sections before you actually read the entire book. These sections cover common terms in chemistry, and explanations of the names of some of the chemical elements and what it means for them. After that, you should get a better idea of what the book is all about.A book like this can help you learn even more about chemistry. Since it is a review book, it does not really cover every aspect of chemistry, but it is helpful to you so that you do not waste your time. As you get into the book, you will see that it focuses on the concepts of science, and it actually shows you what it is that you need to know in order to comprehend this complicated subject.For those who need more information on chemistry, especially the basics, then a review book is a good idea to start with. It is like getting an overview of the subject that you are learning, but it is much easier to understand and comprehend what is written in it. You will start learning about certain techniques such as acid/base reactions, molar ratios, ratios of elements, the structures of molecules, and other features that are useful to know about chemistry.Overall, a Chemistry Regents Review Book will enable you to understand the basic concept of chemistry and apply it to everyday life. By reading a book like this, you will start to learn more about it in no time at all.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Get To (with Right, Back Combinations) - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Get To (with Right, Back Combinations) - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Get To (with combinations on Right, Back,   To)Infinitive form: Get ToPresent Tense: Get To/ Gets Toing form: Getting ToPast tense: Got ToParticiple: Got ToThe phrasal verb Get To, when joined with Right, Back,  To, will create another meaning based on the combination. Many idiomatic expressions can be formed, so, emphasis is being placed on the two-word English phrasal verb Get To and Get Back To in this topic. Keep in mind that the word back can sometimes be used an adverb that modifies a phrasal verb , while other times, it is part of a phrasal verb itself. The former part will detail its usage as a two-word phrasal verb, while the latter part of the blog will describe its usage and how its meaning changes when used in combination with the words mentioned:When you arrive at a place or reach a certain level1. Please send my regards to Annie when you get to school.2. I need to get to work before 8 A.M. I cant afford to be later anymore.When you start doing something you want or need to do1. I dont have time to get to it now, Im way too busy!2. Tell the writer to get to his writing soon, the deadline is fast approaching.When permitted to do something1.  Now that Bill received his drivers license, he can get to drive anywhere.2. Since 007 has the license to kill, he can get to kill any criminal he encounters.When something or someone is affecting you in such a way that it bothers or annoys you1. When youre in sales, you shouldnt let pessimism get to you.2. You shouldnt let Jims words get to you, hes just being childish.[Get Back To]This three-word phrasal verb means to talk to someone again  at a later time1. That is a tough question. Let me talk to my teacher first, and Ill get back to you as soon as I have the answer, okay?2. Let me get back to you after Ive done my homework regarding the topic.[Get To] CombinationThe two-word English phrasal verb usually denotes arrive , but notice how the meaning changes when we put in the combination1. Jerry got to Los Angeles yesterday. [ Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles]2. Jerry got back to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry returned to Los Angeles]3. Jerry got up to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from the South. This means any area in the map south of Los Angeles]4. Jerry got down to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from the North.  This means any area in the map north of Los Angeles]5. Jerry got over to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from either side, East or West]6. Jerry got out to Los Angeles. [Meaning: Jerry arrived in Los Angeles from the east or from a larger city]Adding the word Back to the verb combination means to return/resume into doing something after an interruption. Take note that only the first two meanings (arrive;start doing something) of the phrasal verb Get To described above is applicable for this combination.1. Let me get back to my homework, I cant be distracted anymore. [Meani ng: There has been an interruption/distraction for some time which prevented me from doing my homework, but now I realize that I need to get my homework done, so I resume to doing it ]Adding the word Right to the verb combination modifies the verb indicating that it is done immediately, quickly, or right away. This combination works with  Get back to, Get up to, Get Down to, Get Over to, Get Out to which are all derived from the same phrasal verb Get to.1. Jerry got right back to Los Angeles when he heard the news about his brother. [Meaning: Jerry quickly returned to Los Angeles. The news he heard about his brother must be really urgent]iframe width=560 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeExercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:The hells going on down there? Lets ___ ___ __ work!What or who had caused the interruption in the teams football practice?How will th e statement change meanings if the word Back is removed and will it be appropriate to do so? Why or why not?Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Get To and its applicable combination:1.  Wait until youve finished eating breakfast, so you can ___ __ to eat all the desserts you want.2.  You keep on chatting with that friend of yours, when you should be _____ ____ ___  __work.3. I guess I have to sleep early because I cant seem to___ __ school on time.4. Diana is _____ ___ work early this morning, so she can reach the deadline.5. Jen ____ ____ ___ to the mall when she realized she left her bag in one of the shops there.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

English Listening Resource Whats happening to the US economy

English Listening Resource Whats happening to the US economy Lately, almost all of my English students have been asking me what is happening with the U.S. economy. Why is the stock market going crazy? What is a debt ceiling? How bad is the U.S. economy? Whos fault is it?National Public Radio (NPR) is the United States equivalent, more or less, to the BBC. It has many great free podcasts you can download, with transcripts, including Planet Money. Planet Money is a specific podcast that focuses on economic issues.These issues can often be boring, especially if theyre not being discussed in your native language, but here is Planet Moneys mission:We have two rules for ourselves: 1. Everything has to be interesting (and, preferably, fun or funny or poignant or somehow grabby). 2. Everything should be economically smart, but not economically dull.Basically, they try to make economic news interesting to the average person, even people who dont speak English as their first language. The show started a few years ago when NPR reporter Adam Davidson and This American Life producer Alex Blumberg teamed up to create a This American Life report called The Giant Pool of Money in 2008. This report became very popular, and won important awards for clearly explaining the economic crises faced by the U.S. at that time.After The Giant Pool of Money NPR decided to keep Davidson and Blumberg together, and formed Planet Money, which continues to explain the U.S. economy in funny and interesting ways. If you want a clear, understandable explanation of whats happening with economic issues in the U.S., this is a good place to start. Click here to visit their home page.If you would like to take an English class based on an episode of Planet Money, contact us.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Corpus Christi ISD Facts (Infographic)

Corpus Christi ISD Facts (Infographic) Lean more about Corpus ChristiIndependent School District: The educational technology platform Frog Tutoring completed its study of metrics that matter within Corpus Christi Independent School District and has created an infographic detailing the basic facts and figures everyCorpus Christi ISD parent, student, and prospective student should know about the district. Graduation rate, state testscores, ratio of students to teachers, and percentage of students receiving free lunches are numbers that are key to understanding CCISD as a whole.Here's a taste of the kind of facts you can find in the infographic: As of 2013-2014, Corpus Christi Independent School District had an enrollment of 38,722 students. That's more than the combined enrollment of Texas AM-Corpus Christi, Texas Christian University and Southern Methodist University!Lean more about Corpus ChristiIndependent School District:Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District - An infographic by the team atFrogTutoring Corpus Christi TutorsTo embed this infograph ic about Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District on your website, copy and paste the code below: Corpus Christi ISD Facts Schools Enrollment Infographic for Corpus ChristiISD:Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District - An infographic by the team atFrogTutoring Corpus Christi TutorsTo embed this infographic about Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District on your website, copy and paste the code below: Corpus Christi ISD Facts;Tests Success Rates Infographic for Corpus Christi ISD:Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District - An infographic by the team atFrogTutoring Corpus Christi TutorsTo embed this infographic about Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District on your website, copy and paste the code below: Corpus Christi ISD Facts;Money More Infographic About Corpus Christi ISD:Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Independent School District - An infographic by the team atFrogTutoring Corpus Christi TutorsTo embed this infographic about Facts You Didn't Know About Corpus Christi Inde pendent School District on your website, copy and paste the code below: Corpus Christi ISD Facts;

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Career

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Career photo via Sure, changing majors might put you a bit behind on your academic plan, but getting a degree in the field you  want  is so much more important than having to stay in school a little longer. Of course, theres always going to be the recommendation that you dont change your major after your sophomore year. Really, the first two years of college are dedicated to earning your General Education credits so this is the time for you to explore different areas of your education (math, science, humanities, and language). So by the time you enter your junior year, you shouldve found your little niche and settled on a major you enjoy. But if youre settling on engineering, there are tons of pre-requisites in math and physics that youll need so its best to start on those early. Whats important to remember in this season of life is that the major you choose in college doesnt pigeon-hole you into the career you have to have for the rest of your life. Just because you have a psychology degree doesnt mean you have to be a psychologist (trust me, I would know). A degree in art history probably isnt going to get you anywhere, but if thats what you love, have at it. What it  is  important to think about while youre choosing a career is what degree is going to give you the most options in the field that you love. A degree in math will open up your options infinitely as opposed to a library sciences degree. Think about the money youre paying and the options youll have once youve graduated. Here are some questions you should ask yourself when it comes to thinking about a career youll enjoy and what you should major in during your college years: photo via 1. What types of activities and topics interest me? If you dont have an interest in medicine and blood, dont decide on a career as a doctor because they make a lot of money. Your first mistake in choosing a career will come when you decide on something because of the financial payoffs that you  think  it will entail. Reflect on the kinds of things you actually enjoy doing and go from there. If youre not into nursing people back to health, dont get a CNA certification. If youre having trouble finding things that interest you, take some classes in some departments youve never considered before. 2. What kind of lifestyle do I need in order to be happy? When it comes to choosing a career, people often think about the financial benefits  first and foremost.  This can turn your life into a total disaster. Before you know it youll be thirty and depressed because you hate getting up and going to work every day. Think about what kind of lifestyle you need in order to be happy. Do you need to make six figures? If you do, then Id suggest factoring income into your career decision. But if you can make it work on a tight budget (notice I didnt say starving or homeless), then investigate the things you might have overlooked because youre afraid youll be poor for the rest of your life. Theres a happy medium between making the income you need to be happy and making the income youre greedy for. Sure, everyone wants to have more money than they know what to do with. But its a lot worse to feel locked into a job because of the financial benefits than it is to skimp on going out to dinner and getting to wake up and do something you love every day. Choosing a career is no easy task. Please listen when I tell you that  the career you choose at 20 probably wont be your career at 60.  You have time to change jobs and career paths. But giving yourself more options up front will pay off later on. I promise.

Irvine Private Tutoring - TutorNerds

Irvine Private Tutoring - TutorNerds Improve Your Grades and Test Scores With the Help of a Private Irvine Tutor Improve Your Grades and Test Scores With the Help of a Private Irvine Tutor From prepping for your ACT to starting grade school, private Irvine tutoring can help students of any age. As a local Orange County company, we care about the success of our students. In fact, many of our private Irvine tutors are from Orange County and attended local universities. TutorNerds has the highest standards for our tutors. We only select the most experienced, highly-educated, and personable tutors. Have a busy schedule? No worries! Our tutors work around your schedule and are available to meet in-person at your home or at a convenient location such as a local library. There are many reasons why students can benefit from the help of a private tutor. Here are four ways tutoring can help you get ahead in your academic career. Tutors Work at Your Pace Too often, students feel left behind in the classroom. Teachers dont have the time to wait for everyone to catch up, which is why a private tutor is a perfect way to stay on top of rigorous coursework while not falling behind. Further, our private Irvine tutors have years of experience, so they know how to develop lesson plans crafted around the pace at which you learn. Tutoring Builds Confidence Its easy to fall behind in a class when you dont feel confident in your skills. For example, math can be intimidating for some students, which is why they tell themselves they dont enjoy it. Tutoring can help students gain confidence, which in turn will make the class more interesting. Improved Study Habits As mentioned before, our Irvine tutors are experienced and highly-educated. Our tutors can help students learn study habits that will help them get the most out of their classes and score high on their exams. Help With College Admissions The not so good news: college is getting more and more competitive. The good news: our private Irvine college admissions tutors have a 97% success rate. Our tutors have degrees from universities such as MIT, USC, Berkeley, and Columbia. In other words, they have the experience and expertise to help you get into the college of your dreams. Whether you need help preparing for your ACT and SAT or writing your admissions essay, our private Irvine college admissions consultants are here to assist! We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee when you get started.  You’ll love your private Irvine tutor, or you don’t pay!  You have nothing to lose except the stress of a challenging course.  Don’t believe us?   Lots of parents and students in Orange County have rated us highly on Yelp and Google! We are available seven days a week to answer any questions and start your tutoring the same day.  Have questions? Call TutorNerds today. Want to score a free tutoring session for you and a friend? Check out our referral program. Check out our blog for helpful tips and insights from our tutors!

What To Look For In A Free Spanish Tutor Online Course

What To Look For In A Free Spanish Tutor Online CourseYou can find a free Spanish tutor online or a Spanish tutor at your local community college. However, before signing up for a free online Spanish course, you should do a little homework first. Here are some ways to find a free Spanish tutor online.In the beginning, you need to know how many and what types of Spanish tutors there are. Many people go to one site, sign up for an offer, and get lucky. There is nothing wrong with this since there are a lot of free Spanish tutors on the Internet, and it is hard to find one that will give you a good deal. Just find a few free Spanish tutors online, talk to them and see what their rates are, and sign up for the offer.With the choice of free Spanish tutors, you also need to decide whether you are comfortable asking a person for help. When you take a course online, most of the time, there is no one around you to guide you. This is an added risk that you need to consider. You also need to th ink about if you can afford to take a course online.Then you need to do a little more research on the free Spanish tutor or course to find out whether it is in a language your home country uses. Most colleges and universities in the United States use the English language to teach students. If the course is in another language, there may be extra cost for the online course.One of the most important things you need to consider is the cost of the course. In this economy, if you are struggling to pay for groceries and other living expenses, it may not be worth it to pay for a two or three week Spanish course. On the other hand, if you need the help in a foreign country where there is no market for English, then it may be a good idea to go ahead with a course in Spanish.The best place to find a course is to find a list of reputable language course providers. There are a lot of courses out there and if you do not have time to research each and every one, then the Internet is the best opti on. Just type in 'Spanish' into a search engine and you will find many sites offering courses in Spanish. It is important to choose a program from a reputable site so that you do not have to worry about scams or fraud.These online courses are only a starting point for learning a new language. You need to combine this free Spanish tutor with additional learning material or a course at your local college or university. There are several free Spanish course that you can go through before going to the school to get a certificate that you can present to your friends or family who are visiting.